Renal Dietitians

When living with chronic kidney disease, managing what you eat and drink can be a challenge. However, your diet can also positively influence how you feel and what other treatments you might need. As kidney disease progresses your dietary needs will likely change. It is also important to recognise that every person with kidney disease is different and has different dietary needs.

A Dietitian experienced in kidney nutrition is the best person to speak to about what food and drinks are best for you. The Dietitian will assess your blood test results and what you are currently eating, and will advise if changes are needed.

Please ask your GP or kidney specialist to refer you to a dietitian for assessment and advice on nutrition for kidney disease. 



Contact details


Area of Specialisation

Lyn Lloyd


In-person clinic Auckland, connect via zoom throughout the country

(09) 630 1838 
Website can be found here

Mon to Friday

Chronic kidney disease (CKD), polycystic kidney disease, kidney transplant and kidney stones.

Adeline Wong


(09) 623 0161 ext 1

4 hours - Mon to Friday

Kidney stones

Fuchsia Goldsmith

Able to connect virtually throughout the country

Mon to Friday

Some evening spots available

Protecting kidney function, Preventing kidney stones, Eating well on dialysis, Eating well after a transplant, Plant based diets.

Emma Ternouth


(027) 769 4525



Lisa Hassan


(020) 411 24449

5-10 hours/ week


Prem Nand

Whangarei, Northland

(027) 332 0138


Remote referrals accepted: Consultation done through Zoom.